This device enables you to connect your USB-equipped computer to your Compu-Dobby I, II or III serial port.
- AVL-approved*: This is the only USB-Serial adapter that AVL recommends for use with Compu-Dobby devices for Windows and Mac (*except Mac OS 11.2.3 Big Sur). The Keyspan manufacturer, Tripplite, has not committed to providing a driver that works with Mac OS 11.2.3 Big Sur. AVL does not currently have a USB-Serial adapter recommendation for use with Mac OS 11.2.3 Big Sur.
- No need for an external power adapter: draws power directly from your computer via the USB connection
- Works with USB ver. 1.1, 2 and 3
- DB9 serial port supports data transfer rates up to 230 Kbps: twice the speed of a standard built-in serial port
- LED shows adapter status and data activity at a glance
Comes with driver on CD-ROM. NOTES:
- The driver must be installed and properly configured for enable proper use.
- Reboot the computer after installing the driver.
- The port should be set between 1 and 7.
- More current drivers can be found at the AVL driver download page.